Fabio Morea
Title: Navigating Networks and Communities with Data Science
Networks are anywhere around us, in social, business or academic contexts. Whenever individuals, organizations, or companies seek to connect with others, a network is established, and evolves over time as partnerships shift or new leaders emerge. Over the past 20 year researchers have developed a theoretical framework and a large set of tools to explore networks’ structure. Meanwhile, an increasing number of complex and large datasets has become available, enabling the study of networks that extend over long periods of time and involve thousands of actors and connections. This seminar, titled ‘Navigating Networks and Communities with Data Science’, provides a general overview of the topic, and a novel framework for unsupervised community detection focusing on the improvement of stability and quantification of uncertainty. Examples will be taken from a comprehensive dataset provided by the European Commission, which describes companies and research organizations that participated in the Horizon Framework Programmes over a period of 15 years. The seminar is based on the research conducted by the Author within the frame of a PhD in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (www.adsai.it) under the supervision of prof. Domenico De Stefano.